Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Welc0me to OSCE...againnn?!?! hmmm..

haloo...i'm back;) diz time I would like to make a confession. I H.A.T.E OSCE!!!I really h-8 dat thing wit a passion!for those who doesn't know what an OSCE is, it is a practical exam YOU HAVE TO ACT OUT AND EXPLAIN WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND WHY? tHEY ARE hORRIBLE THING AND I HAD TO SUFFER 4 IN A FEW minutes. The 1 and only OSCE's benefit that I know is it act as a form of performance-based testing used to measure a student's clinical competence.That means there is no way that I could get out of it and it just make me hate it even more.( 2 thumbs up!)
can u just imagine, there is no teaching about what OSCE is, how to tackle OSCE, how to act in 5 mins and how not to make a fool of yourself during OSCE. this is truly ridiculous..urghh.. Personally,I do not think it really reflects students' clinical reasoning and clinical skills B'COZ OSCEs are not real clinical situations. Think about this, when would you have only 5 minutes to see a patient? OSCEs are artifical environments aiming at assessing large number of students effectively. If you try to approach OSCE stations as they are real clinical situations, you are making a big mistake and probably gaining a Z_E_R_0 4 ol the stations tested.For those who not experience the OSCE yet, try to not get involve in it b'coz it just make your brain functioning at a level
equivalent to a cerebrally compromised shrimp, the only answers you can think of are to the questions you got wrong three stations back, and your hands are shaking so much that if you're asked to demonstrate venepuncture, the examiner may lose an eye. Faced with an unconscious plastic patient with a ryles tube stucked in one of its artificial nose and you need to pretend being a angle-like nurse in the stations with the examiners which look at you with a frowning weird face. The worst part of the OSCEin my college is where the super juniors were asked to be the OSCE's models for the super seniors station..and believe this, they saw ol of our stuopid-ness during this rushing,unrealistic exam. dat was very embarrassing! I think dat I agreed for the new abbreviations of OSCE given by a medical student which suggest OSCE is an "obligatory sweepingly crushing experience," a collection of "overwhelmingly significant clinical errors" or an "obnoxiously stupefying celebration of evil." hahhahahah..I'm sure some of you out there can do better, and I would welcome any suggestions you have.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girls are like m&m's

Hey, hey, hey..I'm here again.. I just to share about a video which I found interesting:) Have u ol heard about KEVjumba? This video was posted since last 2 years n sumbody may think dat i was really an out-dated person. so what,who cares?..haha(: I luv 2watch his funny videos and one of it is about comparing gurlz to M&M's..haha.. Yeah, u r right man..four thumbs up!! (y 4? including my best friend's thumbs) Girls are really like M&M's or NIPs or SMARTIESor..anything else dat looks different from outside but taste the same... Besides girls, he did mentioned 'bout

interracial babies, and shocking his dad with a fake cell phone.

The best part though comes at the 1:40 point when this u tube celebrity wakes his his father up and tells him he got a black girl pregnant. The dad’s reaction is hilarious. Ohoww guyzz.. u better check out this video it’s awesome!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The most annoying friend dat i have..

Hi, Well, things have been all ’up-in-the-air’ for me at the moment, but I’ll get to that in a minute. Lets update you with my new story..
first of ol, let me dedic-8 diz special poem to the most annoying fren dat I ever had...B@#*A...
The bell rings
and I run at the speed of lighttrying to avoid her.She yells, calling my nameand I pretend not to hear her.
My friends look at me
with sympathyTrying to break free
but she grabs my wrist and slaps my arm
she holds onto me like a python
She'll squeeze the life out of me,
until all life is lost,
then moves to her next victim.

huh, ok guyz.. back to my root of story.. i have a friend who irritates me the most..I cant even stand with her annoying attitude dat finally creates a huge gap between me & my closed friend.. can u just imagine wat she did to me:1st she make fun 'bout my boobs loudly in front of others ( cam siall..puiihh!) then she makes irritable voices wit stupid questions during EXAM or pop quiz.. then she keep on trying again& again & again to dig up other people personal stories (especially mine!) or a hot new gossip, rumours wherever & whenever she go. diz is wat we call a super-duper busy body.. She olweyz think dat she is that most perfect creature with perfect curves. yucks! honestly, i dont think so..she is much more like a freak of nature.huh, i think its goin 2 be a very long post to tell about her annoying attitudes here..well guyz, have you seen bongsai tree? the purpose i mentioned 'bout diz tree is juz dat I try 2 relate it wit this annoying girl dat looks juz like a bongsai tree...u know...D.W.A.R.F...haha, hopefully she may see herself gaining some centimeters in her dream.. -Bye:p